Monday, January 14, 2019

Greatest Day Ever

If you were asked to choose the greatest day of your life, what would you say?  Is it the day you were married, the birth of your children, the day you got your dream job?  Many of us would probably find it difficult to just pick one day. 
The long time Auxiliary Bishop of the Louisville Diocese was Bishop Maloney.  He held this position for almost 30 years, before becoming the Bishop of the Bardstown Diocese.  Bishop Maloney was a very popular bishop and was known for being sort of a spokesman when someone wanted to know something about the Catholic Faith.  Once Bishop Maloney was asked the question, “What is the greatest day of your life?”  His answer was, “The day I was baptized.” 
Of all people that could probably have a lot of “greatest days,” Bishop Maloney picked this day without hesitation.  Being baptized at birth, many might be wondering how could this even be a choice?  He certainly cannot possibly remember that day.  He chose this day because it was, “the day he became a Christian.”  What a powerful statement!!
Jesus commanded His disciples “to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”(Mt. 28:19)  Since our baptism, we have been given the gift of Christ, to share with the world, in our thoughts, words, and actions.  We are Christians, and our job as Christians is to share the word of God with everyone, sharing the joy of God’s love that He has given us, with others. 
Imagine if you were the person responsible for bringing someone closer to God, you were responsible for helping the fallen away family member, back to the church, or the neighbor that sees you loading the family in the car on Sunday morning to attend Church and it creates a conversation, leading them to the church.  Imagine then, this could be the best day of your life…