Monday, February 11, 2019

I wonder if I was Simon, in this weekend’s Gospel, if I would have reacted the same way.  Let me give a bit if a back story.  Simon and his friends had docked their boats and were gathering their nets after a long day of poor fishing.  Jesus was on the shore preaching to a larger crowd, getting larger.  Jesus asked Simon if he would go out a little ways so he could stand on the boat and preach.  Later, after Jesus was done talking with the crowds, He asked Simon to go out into deeper waters and cast their nets.  Of course, the catch was so plentiful Simon had to ask another boat to help.
While I am sure Simon recognized Jesus, if I were Simon, I wonder if I would have acted the same way?  Have you ever had a plan for the day and by the end of the day, it did not go according to plan?  I am sure Simon went fishing, expecting a good catch, unfortunately it did not turn out that way.  So, he adjusted his plans, brought in the boat, and was planning on calling it a day, after drying and putting away the nets.  Instead, Jesus comes in with a different plan.
We have all heard the saying, “You want to make Jesus laugh, tell Him your plans.”  Each morning we wake up, we probably have a plan in place for how that day is going to work out, just like Simon.  Sometimes it is places to go people to meet, sometimes it might be just sitting on the couch and watching a weekend sporting event.  Regardless, we all wake up with some sort of plan in mind.  How often does this plan wander away from where we think it is going to go?
How often do we ask God to lead us each day?  Simon didn’t ask, he was just doing his normal daily routine.  I got up this morning, got ready for work, like I always do, and I did not ask God what His plan was for me today.  Last week, at our Bishop Chatard High School rescheduled Catholic Schools Week Mass, Fr. Macaslin, was talking to the high schoolers about what their plans were once they left High School.  Some are going to college, others trade school, and others had no idea.  He then challenged them to ask God what His plan was for them in their life.  Yet, another question I never asked God.
Simon was asked to take his boat out again, he was asked to cast his nets again, even though he knew the fish were not biting, yet, he had faith in God to do it and behold, he got to hear Jesus preach and receive a catch bigger than ever before.  I am sure if I was Simon, I might have tried to talk Jesus out of taking the boat back out, and definitely would have tried to talk Him out of casting the nets, knowing the fish were not biting.  I might have even tried to talk to another fisherman into doing what Jesus asked. 
Next time when your day is going down a different path than you have planned, instead of getting frustrated, take a moment to ask God, what His plan for you is, and how can you help Him achieve it?  Give it to God, like Simon, and let Him reward you in ways you were not expecting.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Greatest Day Ever

If you were asked to choose the greatest day of your life, what would you say?  Is it the day you were married, the birth of your children, the day you got your dream job?  Many of us would probably find it difficult to just pick one day. 
The long time Auxiliary Bishop of the Louisville Diocese was Bishop Maloney.  He held this position for almost 30 years, before becoming the Bishop of the Bardstown Diocese.  Bishop Maloney was a very popular bishop and was known for being sort of a spokesman when someone wanted to know something about the Catholic Faith.  Once Bishop Maloney was asked the question, “What is the greatest day of your life?”  His answer was, “The day I was baptized.” 
Of all people that could probably have a lot of “greatest days,” Bishop Maloney picked this day without hesitation.  Being baptized at birth, many might be wondering how could this even be a choice?  He certainly cannot possibly remember that day.  He chose this day because it was, “the day he became a Christian.”  What a powerful statement!!
Jesus commanded His disciples “to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”(Mt. 28:19)  Since our baptism, we have been given the gift of Christ, to share with the world, in our thoughts, words, and actions.  We are Christians, and our job as Christians is to share the word of God with everyone, sharing the joy of God’s love that He has given us, with others. 
Imagine if you were the person responsible for bringing someone closer to God, you were responsible for helping the fallen away family member, back to the church, or the neighbor that sees you loading the family in the car on Sunday morning to attend Church and it creates a conversation, leading them to the church.  Imagine then, this could be the best day of your life…