Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Rerun of a blog from the past

After catching up on my blogging, I decided to look back at some of my blogs from the past.  I was a little shocked that I had a blog labeled "political."  My politics is kept close to the vest and I do not like talking about them, with anyone.  However, I looked over the post and forgot about this one from many many years ago.  It is amazing how relevant it still is today.  Hope you enjoy this blast from the past.

The above link is of a cartoon created in 1948.  Today might be the only time you see me blog about something and put a political label on it, as you might recall from my blog a few weeks ago.

In today's society, it is hard not to get caught up in the politics of the world.  The Democrats hate this and the Republicans hate that.  The political speeches are about on my last nerve.  So, I must say, when I saw this cartoon, I was pleasantly reminded of the way our country was built.  Yes, a cartoon.  Maybe this cartoon is saying that I have the mind of a child, or maybe it is saying, that as adults, we have complicated things to much.  Either way, it is very relevant to the world today.

This cartoon was made in 1948!!!!  It is scary to see how far we have come in such a short period of time.  It is horrifying that in just 60 years, how quickly we have been led astray.  I especially like the speech by the character, John Q. Public.  It is a reminder that, yes, we live in a capitalistic society, and, believe it or not, it is not perfect.  But even though it is not perfect, we are still one of the most successful countries in the world.

This might be my only venture in anything real political, but I am not sure a definition of what a Capitalistic society is, is either Democrat or Republican.  We cannot drink any magic elixir or potion to cure all of our woes.  We must work hard, have faith, and treat each other with respect.

I hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer:  This is the first video I have ever posted to a blog.  I did it without the help of the person that not only encouraged me to blog, but help set me up.  He taught me to post pictures, but videos, not so much.  So, if you click the link and a video does not start playing, so sorry.  Try coping cutting and pasting into your browser.  If that does not work, go to YouTube and search "Make Mine Freedom Cartoon." 

What about the other nine?

Below is the weekly note I shared with the school community a couple of weeks ago(10/17).  I just now realized I did not post it to the blog.  My apologies.

This week the reflection is from the Gospel of Luke, last Sunday.  It was the story of Jesus entering a village and being met by ten lepers.   They met Jesus from afar because, in those times, leprosy was considered a contagious disease and lepers were often banished to their own community.  Jesus simply told these men to go and show themselves to the priest.  On the way, they were healed and one of the ten had the wherewithal to go back and fall at the feet of Jesus in thanksgiving.  Jesus then questioned the man asking, where were the other nine? 

Every time I hear this story, I, like Jesus, think about the other nine.  Not that I am like Jesus, but I often wonder what happened to the other nine.  Did they go and show themselves to the priest?  Because they did not realize what happened to them, like the one Samaritan did, were they cleansed of their leprosy?  The story definitely gives us the impression that all ten were cleansed.  

Jesus did some amazing things, with just his words.  My most favorite words in the Bible are, "Your faith has saved (healed) you."  Jesus never touched the man who came through the ceiling of the over-crowded church. He just told the man to "rise up and carry your mat."  So here are ten lepers, shouting to Jesus, from afar, and he gives them directions.  Next thing you know, they are healed. 

While today, there is almost no leprosy, I often times find myself acting as the nine.  I often come to God in my prayers when I am sick, injured, frustrated, and afraid.  I shout from afar, begging Him to heal whatever ails me and, often times, my fears, frustration, or whatever ails me goes away.   However, more than not, I am one of the nine, and I forget to go back and thank Him for the blessings I have received. 

Never once, after receiving a blessing from God, when I act like one of the nine, has He removed my blessing.  It is not like He gets mad and calls takebacks.  Many of us depend on God to help us through our struggles.  It is time for me to start living like the one, to bow down before Him, in Thanksgiving.

It is time for me to give back to Him my prayers of Thanksgiving, for all the blessings He has bestowed on me.  In this world today, being humble and thankful is almost unique, much like the one that returned to praise Jesus.  It might just be time for us to focus on being more like the one, than the nine.  Imagine what that would look like...