Thursday, December 20, 2012

What else can we do??

I will not be posting anymore this year.  As a school principal, I will be on Christmas Break, and since I do not have a computer at home, because I do not want to do any work over Christmas Break, I will not begin posting again until sometime in January.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, especially in this time of sadness.

I am sure you will not be suprised.  I am sure you are expecting my thoughts on the Connecticut School Shooting.  Every blog I read, religious or not, has taken time to share their thoughts on this horrible, despicable, unthinkable tragedy.  As you read this, keep in mind, I am a Catholic School Principal, and like every other school principal, we are feeling the pain and agony of the Sandy Creek Elementary community on a different level.  I have purposefully waited to get other perspectives on this tragedy.  So, I finally think I have heard enough that I will give you my opinion.  Remember, it is my opinion, I am entitled to it, and you do not have to like it.

When a tragedy, such as this, occurs, we often wonder why?  Who could do such an unthinkable thing? What would possess someone to do this?  Of course, from the get go, the media takes hold of the story and off it goes.  We get every point of view, from the first responders, to the victims family and friends, the shooters ex next door neighbor from 10 year ago, and on and on and on...

Let's talk about some of the issues being discussed:

Gun Control
The government wants a tighter ban on gun control.  The opponent says take away guns and only criminals will have guns

In the world today, we could talk about controlled substances or illegial substances.  Either way, if we have any issues today, there seems to be a drug to cure it.  Have you seen the television commercials lately?  There is a drug for heartburn, male enhancement, acne, dry mouth, dry eye, restless leg, the list is endless.  Listen to possible side affects of each drug.  Really, may cause thoughts of suicide!!!  Not to worry, because there is a medicine for that as well.  We have our society so drugged up, that I cannot figure out how any doctor or pharmacist can keep up.

How many stories of drunk driving ending in death have we heard in the last couple of weeks, especially in the NFL.

Sex Abuse
Do I even need to explain this?

Violent Video games
Today there are games that teach children to go to war.  They can develop strategies to clear a building or start and finish a war.  How is that a good idea for a 14 year old?

Poor Parenting
We here the stories of abuse and violence in the home every day.  If every parent were adequate, there would not be a need for the Department of Child Services, or Court Appointed Special Advocates.

Mental Illness
On a side note, the shooter was said to be diagnosed with Aspergers, which is classified on the Autism Spectrum.  I feel so bad for the negativeness that will come out towards Autism.  Rest assured, I have dealt with many students with Autism, and I would believe there is not one iota of a connection between students with Autism and violence. 

Students come back to school and figure out a way to stop the bullying, or to get back at the bullies at school, by inflicting a violence we cannot even fathom.

Violent Movies and Televsion shows
I cannot tell you how many times I have had to change the channel because whatever was on TV was inappropriate for my children, at least in my opinion.  I am sick and tired of movies and television programs portraying parents as idiots and easy to manipulate, especially dads.

A couple of blog posts ago, I mentioned a qoute from Pope Benedict XVI:
"So many young people, today, have no meaning in their lives."
With all that I listed above, and the quote from Pope Benedict, do you all see the common link?  The common link is dignity.  In this particular case, human dignity.  If our children, today, had dignity for the human person, things listed above would not even be mentioned.  Students would not do it to themselves or to others.  People who abuse drugs and alcohol, have no dignity for their life.   People who kill others and then themselves, clearly have no dignity for human life, especially their own.

But in today's world, we do not teach dignity for humans.  I know taking the 10 commandments out of goverment buildings and public squares is a hot-button topic today.  But in reality, what group or organization does not agree with "Thou Shall Not Kill."  If we do not teach them this commandment, then how are they going to have dignity for the life they are taking.  But because God said it, we cannot teach it.  How absurd is that?  I am sure God will be glad to remove his name as author of this commandment, if we it would lead to change in our world. 

How do we do it?  How do we change our world?  As an educator, I would like to have a program that teaches students about human dignity and that their life and others, have worth.  I would love to close all institutions that deal with people because they attempted to commit suicide, because they have human dignity and would never dream of doing this to themselves.  I would love to see a change in television programming and movies, because children have human dignity, that they would not want to watch such hate and violence.  How do we do it?

A barrier that we face is the lack of patience.  We are a "need it now" society.  Changing the way people think about human dignity is a long term process.  If I started today, teaching about human dignity, I would probably never see the results in my lifetime.  It is something that would take generations to evolve.  We cannot let that stop us.  We hear, over and over, that the children are our most precious resource, let's start nurturing this rescource, giving it wisdom and knowledge that will allow them to see the dignity of every human person, including themselves.

In an effort to keep this blog short, I will end here.  I could write about this for pages and pages and pages, but much like the blogs I read, if they are too long, I cannot keep focused, and I lack the patience, as mentioned above, to finish the entire thing.  Please feel free to comment about anything I said, especially if you have any ideas, how to get the idea across to children, they are worth it.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


I must be in a mood lately.  If so sorry.  I just could not pass this up.  You may be wondering what is going on in the above picture, sorry I am not a photographer.  The main point of the picture is the black recyclable bag.  Look closely.  I believe we have just defeated the purpose. 
Does anybody find it odd that the black recycle bag, has a brown grocery bag in it? 
I thought the point was to use the black bag because it is recyclable.  Am I wrong?

Monday, December 10, 2012

A dog coat. With a pocket???

Anybody see any issues with a dog coat having a pocket?

1.  Does the dog need a place to put its keys, wallet, cell phone...?
2.  How would the dog reach the back pocket?

Some ideas just are not well thought out.

Advent is a time to wait...

I did something on Saturday, that I must be honest, I haven't done in a looooooooong time.  I finished my Christmas shopping.  Now, let me preface this, I have to only purchase for one person, my wife, and since I am a school principal, I usually have a couple of days between the start of Christmas Break and Christmas day to shop.  So it is not unlike me to wait until the very last minute.
So anyway, I went with my wife and children, cash in hand, to start the Christmas shopping season.  I am sure you are wondering why would I go with my wife and children, to do the Christmas shopping?  To answer that, my wife gave me a list of things she wanted and I went and purchased them, so she already knows what she is getting.  Plus, my wife is not a huge fan of suprises.
I must say I am pretty pleased that I got the shopping done in one day, in a minimum number of stores.  As a matter of fact, I got all she wanted in only three stores, yet another record.  One thing I definitely noticed at any location I went to on Saturday is how rushed people seemed to be. 
I truly do not understand the hustle and bustle this season has become.  People get up early on the Friday after Thanksgiving, and heck, now the stores are opening on Thanksgiving day.  And from that point on, all I see is the hustle and bustle of this season.  They gotta hurry and get to one sale or another. 
One of the things that have gone by the wayside, in today's modern, secular world  is Advent.  Advent is a time of waiting and reflection.  In the homily this weekend, it was advised, by Fr. Tom, that we wait and anticipate the joyous celebration of Christ birth.  He even suggested that we come to the church or set aside time in the morning to pray for the upcoming celebration. 
I like to think that I am a patient man.  I do not deal well with people that turn every decision in to a last second decision, so when Fr. Tom suggested setting time aside for prayer, it reminded me of the following:
We have time and prayer backwards.  We think time determines prayer.  When, in reality, prayer determines time.  Anonymous
There are many things I wish I could do, but I know there is not enough time in one day to get them done.  I have to make the decision to run my day, based on the amount of things that have to get done and the amount of time to get them done.  Some days are easy and others are difficult.  However, imagine how much time I would have if I invited God into my day, through prayer, and allowed Him to make my schedule.  Starting the day with God and keeping Him with me all day, in everything that I do, imagine how wonderful that would be!

I know this is rather difficult, keeping God with me at all times.  There are many times when my own egocenteredness gets in the way and I push God away.  There are times when I do not invite Him into my life, first thing every morning, or thank Him last thing every day.  Not because of lack of effort, but because I am usually thinking about me and my plans. 

So, much like Lent(I do not give up things, I try to do things that make me a better Christian), I am going to make an effort to start every day of Advent, inviting God into my day, and every evening of Advent thanking Him for a wonderful day.  I am going to push away the hustle and bustle of every day life, and spend some time quietly with God. 

Now, I just hope I do not wait until the very last second to wrap the presents....