Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Relationship with God

Last week we celebrated St. Valentine’s Day.  While many think this is just another Hallmark Holiday, it is a time for us to think about our relationships.  It is a time for us to do a little something special for our spouse, parents, children, and all those we love.  A simple card, a sweet treat, a small bouquet of flowers, is just a few things that might put a smile on your special someone’s face. 

At the school Mass, Fr. Hunter talked to the students about relationships.  He asked them to ponder how their relationships are with their parents, siblings, and friends.  He shared with us his relationships with his family and friends.  Finally he asked us to ponder our relationship with God.  So with that in mind, I did some pondering.

As I have pondered my relationship with God, I decided there are three ways in which we can have a relationship with God.  First, there is the “all in” relationship.  When we are “all in,” we have a relationship that follows Gods word in action, thoughts, and relationships.  We put God first in every thought, before every decision, before every action.  We depend on Him to lead us and guide us throughout our life. 

The second type of relationship with God is the relationship of convenience.  This is a relationship in which we might pray to God when things are not going well, or when we want a desired outcome to a certain event.  We only want God in our lives, when it is only beneficial. 

The third type of relationship with God is no relationship at all.  This relationship usually has the mind set of “I can do it all by myself, I do not need anyone’s help.”  This relationship has God nowhere in the picture.  It might even go as far as to deny God’s existence completely. 
I am here to say, that I have been in all three types of relationships with God, at certain times of my life.  Having no relationship with God was really easy.  It had no accountability and allowed me to do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted to do it.  I was easy to justify my actions regardless if they were right or wrong, because it was all about me, and had no regards for others.
Having a relationship of convenience was just that, convenient.   I had this happy go lucky idea that God is always with me and I could depend on Him to get me out of any situation that I might find myself in.  I could depend on Him to be there but only when I needed Him.
Then there is having a relationship with God, letting Him guide me.  This is particularly hard for me and I imagine most people.  It is often hard to set aside ego or the earthly ways.  I often feel that the achievements I have reached, I reached because of me and the things that I have done, when in reality, anything I do only happens because I allow Him into my life. 
So, while we spent time this week nurturing our relationships with our families, loved ones, and friends, celebrating Valentine’s Day, it was because of Fr. Hunter’s homily, that I now realize that I also need to nurture my relationship with God.  Sometimes I struggle to let Him lead me, and sometimes, it is easy to see that He is leading my path.  No matter where your relationship with God may be, know that He is there waiting for you to allow Him to lead your path.
As we approach the Lenten season, take some time and consider doing something for the 40 days of Lent that will strengthen your relationship with God.  Make a decision to invite God into your life through daily prayer, service, practicing forgiveness, reading a daily reflection, whatever works for you.  Commit to starting the day with prayer, or say a daily Rosary.  Allow Him to guide you even when our world makes it seem that having God in your life is wrong.  Will it be difficult, probably, but like anything else the more you do it the better you get.  And when you get good at it, it is then that you know that God is taking control and guiding the relationship.