Every year I go visit a friend of mine in Hendersonville, NC. It is usually over the July 4th weekend and entails me finding a Catholic Church. This year was no different, other than I do not have to find the church, for I have been there before.
As always, I get to Mass early. While all the Mass parts are the same, I take a little extra time to gather myself in the frame of mind for Mass, take a few extra minutes to learn my surroundings, and make sure I give myself enough "get lost" time, because there is nothing worse than walking into Mass late. Since I have been doing this trip for many years, get lost time is not an issue, but I cannot make myself leave later for Mass, so I just sit quietly, observing my surroundings, pray, and people watch, and this last time was no different.
I tell you this because when I was people watching, I noticed this elderly lady. I would guess she was in her late 80s, minimum. She entered the back of the church(if you know me, that is where I always sit, for I feel that I am not worthy of even being in that space), and did her five minute shuffle to a pew in the middle. When she finally got seated, I just watched her prayer routine and it was very awe inspiring.
I am in my 40s and I have baseball catcher knees, so kneeling down is often a task for me. Kneeling down is never the problem, for I have gravity's help on the way. Kneeling for a long time, and getting up, are the issues. My knees go through a tingling stage, then a throbbing pain stage, and if I have to kneel to long, they might even go numb, which is why it is hard to get up. I tell you this because this elderly lady, who shuffled to her pew, knelt right down and started praying as if she was a spry young child. She must have been in that position for at least 15 minutes. Very impressive if you ask me.
Now that is not the reason I bring this topic up. As many of you know, I struggle with my prayer life. And by struggle, I have no problem turning to Jesus in times of praise, anger, fear, struggle, etc. I feel that I got that part down. Where I struggle is what to say. I am not sure I am praying in the right way(isn't it just like a teacher to want to know the right way to do anything).
After watching this elderly woman pray, I was in awe. She kept crossing herself, and by crossing herself, imagine Sammy Sosa just hit a homerun. Remember his post base running, dugout routine. He must have crossed himself thirty times in a mater of ten seconds. Imagine this elderly woman doing the same. Anyway, I digress, this elderly woman crossed herself, had her eyes closed, and appeared to be in a true conversation with God. She was praying with such passion, a passion I have never witnessed. I kept wondering if every time she crossed herself, was it the time she actually heard God's words, or received a thought that answered her prayer? She was inspiring to watch.
After listening to the homily from last Sunday, I know it is not how you pray. It is that you are having the conversation with God. Inviting Him into your life, is the most important step. It is when we accept Jesus Christ as our savior, that the pathway to Heaven is opened for us. And I know, God does not keep score. If He did, I would be out because of the mercy rule. It is, however, inspiring to see this elderly woman, who I would guess has been Catholic her entire life, still have the power and enthusiasm to pray with such gusto.
I know that I am a long way from the experience of praying like this elderly lady. I know that it is not how you pray, it is what you say. But, I hope to have the enthusiasm to pray when I am an old man.