Monday, July 27, 2015

Repeat but Relevant

This post is a repeat.  It was from a couple years back, and it is about the story of Jesus feeding 5000.  It is one of my favorite stories of scripture and last weekends gospel reading.  In the trouble times we are told our nation is going through, maybe it is time for a reminder that even the smallest fragments are relevant. 

Recently at church, one of the readings was the story of Jesus feeding 5,000.  For my friends who do not know this story, I will give a brief overview of this story.  At this particular time, in the Bible, Jesus is being followed by huge crowds.  As evening approaches, the disciples encourage Jesus to send the huge crowd away, for they have no food to feed them.  There is a boy, among the crowd, that has some loaves of bread and a few fish.  Jesus takes the food from the boys, blesses it, and multiplies it to feed 5,000 men and their family, with 12 large, wicker baskets leftover.(Please understand that the Bible does this story much better justice than I just did.  I encourage you to read the gospel of John 6:1-15)

This is by far my favorite Bible story, EVER!!  For some reason, I could listen to any priest, preach about this story and I never get tired of it.  Every time I hear this story, I get a different point of view.  Many wonder about the miracle of taking five loaves of bread and two fish, and allowing them to feed so many.  Some often look at it from the boy’s point of view, giving of his food for the sake of others.  Others may even question the disciples and their faith in the power of God.

But not too long ago, I heard a sermon about this story from a very unique point of view, the leftover fragments.  Now I am sure you are questioning my sanity, but I must say, it was a great point of view.  I will try to do it justice in my words.

In today’s fast paced world, we are so busy moving from place to place, or trying to accomplish this thing or that thing, that I am not sure we often look at the details.  As I write this, I can tell you I am guilty on countless occasions of trying to get things done quickly, to get on to the next task at hand, as to accomplish the overwhelming list of things to do.  I often get side tracked by my smart phone and answering an email, which often leads to me missing some little fragment of information, either from my children, my wife, staff member, boss, my God, this list is truly endless.

In all the details of feeding 5,000 men and their families, Jesus never missed a detail.  He even made his disciples pick up the scraps and leftovers.  I am pretty sure Jesus was not living by one of my favorite mottos, if you rent or use a space, make sure it is cleaner than it was when you got it.  I can also bet Jesus was not worried about litter or being green, as we would in today's society, when he insisted on the disciples picking up every fragment.  I believe this was Jesus trying to convey to us that even the smallest morsel, or fragment, is important. 

Even though we live in this fast paced, GIGANTIC world, and we might often feel too small for Jesus to even notice.  It is nice to know that He cares for us, no matter how small or big we perceive ourselves.  We do not have to be a Nobel Prize winning author, or have been awarded the humanitarian of the year, for Jesus to care for us and recognize us.  We do not have to be the greatest evangelist to get the love of Jesus.  All we have to do is accept Him into our lives, follow Him, and He will give us the guidance we need, regardless of the fact that we might be a large slice of bread or even a crumb, He loves and cares for us all.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Church Signs

I love Church Signs, you know, the ones that are by the street and either give information or maybe a funny quip or two.  I REALLY like the ones that have funny quotes.  You know ones that say things like, "If your life stinks, we have a pew for you." or "Stop...Drop...Roll, does not work in Hell."  The list could go on and on.

Today, though, I saw a Church sign asking, "Holy Spirit, revive this land."  I will be the first one to agree that we need to revive this land. With political correctness run amok, offensive flags, gender issues, our land is amongst the most confused I have ever seen. One of my favorite quotes is, "If we do not teach our children to love God, the world will teach them not to" and I think if we depend on the trends that are overtaking our world, we are well on our way to making that statement true.

I guess my biggest issue with the comment asking the Holy Spirit to revive this land is, I believe they have it wrong.  What the sign should say is, "Invite the Holy Spirit into your life, and help change this land."  I appreciate the thought behind the original quote, but, it is my understanding that the Holy Spirit is already here.  The Holy Spirit is right next to you, me, and everyone, but in order for It to work, and "revive this land," we first have to accept that the Holy Spirit is here, by accepting Jesus Christ as our savior.  The Holy Spirit cannot work for us if we do not believe It exist. 

The Holy Spirit works for me, because I believe.  I really think there are many times I have looked up at the right time, and avoided a car accident, or some potential tragedy, because the Holy Spirit is with me, watching me and giving me that feeling of safety and security.  The Holy Spirit helped me when I was in between jobs, and feared for providing for my family.

The Holy Spirit also convicts me when I do something wrong.  You ever get that feeling, the instant you say something or do something that would upset God or a parent or a boss.  When I get that feeling, I immediately say, "Ohhhhhh, wish I would not have done that, or said that."  That is the conviction of the Holy Spirit, and as Thomas Carlyle said, "Conviction is worthless unless it is converted into conduct."  Conviction is important, even though it feels crummy, because the Holy Spirit is using this opportunity to convert us or get us back on the correct path. 

So, while I appreciate the idea behind the sign, I think we are putting to much on the Holy Spirit to do the things that we would be doing, already, if everyone believed.