Friday, December 20, 2013

Merry Christmas from a Duck Dynasty Supporter


Before I share with you my rant about Duck Dynasty, I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  I am thankful for all of you flattering me, by reading this blog.  I am up to almost 5000 views.  I am truly humbled.  Thank you all and have a great Christmas season.

Alec Mayer

I am sure many of you have heard about the A&E network suspending Phil Robertson, of Duck Dynasty, for what is essentially his religious convictions.  There are some things I have boycotted, a restaurant, a television show, but never have I boycotted an entire television network.  Below is the email I just sent them expressing my disappointment in their decision and what I expect in order to watch their network again, no matter what show is on.

Dear A&E Executives,

I have been a longtime fan of the A&E network.  I enjoy the many shows that you produce and air.  Some of my favorites are Storage Wars, Shipping Wars, and Duck Dynasty.  I have never written a letter like this, but I feel that it is time, for I am tired of my Christian beliefs being trampled on.  I am tired of people, who know nothing about my faith, screaming the loudest as if they know what my faith is about.  It is time that you hear from the silent majority instead of catering to the loud minority.

I will be somewhat shocked if you are still reading this letter.  It is with great disappointment that you have suspended Phil Robertson, indefinitely, from your television station, for standing up for his religious convictions.  While I do not know Mr. Robertson, personally, I do believe he is a Christian man in his words, and hopefully his actions.  While we are all sinners, and nobody is perfect, I believe Mr. Robertson is a man of God.

Suspending Mr. Robertson for his Religious beliefs goes against the First Amendment of the Constitution.  While I would hope you already know that, in my line of work, I always find it is best to be clear in all situations.  Our country, founded on Freedom of Religion, is suffering greatly because of actions, such as yours.  Every time a person’s religious convictions are trampled on, by another group, it pulls us father and farther from the Constitution.

I want you to know that I am not joining any boycott, or aligning with any particular group.  I am sending this letter as a concerned citizen.  I am concerned that your catering to a small, but loud, group of people, based on their beliefs, all while trampling on a silent but large group of people because of theirs.  I am not asking you to cater to my large group, for as a Christian man that is not how I choose to do business.  I choose to vote with my choices, as I am sure many others will do as well. 

I choose television shows based on my beliefs.  I choose not to watch shows, nor do I allow my children to watch shows that destroy the meaning of family.  I am not a hunter, or “redneck” as they often refer to themselves, on Duck Dynasty.  I would have never watched this show if not for my friends description of the Christian values of the show.  I did latch onto it and now it is one of my favorite shows.  Because of your decision to suspend Mr. Robertson, I will not longer watch your entire network.  This fan will no longer watch about 4 programs because of the way your network has trampled my Christian beliefs.

Do not get me wrong.  If you have a show that supports the LGBT or GLAAD lifestyle, I would not write you to, I would just choose not to watch that program.  I find it disappointing that you did not stand up for the right of Christian values and tell the complainers, if they do not like it, choose to watch something else.  It is my experience that when you cater to one group and turn from the rest, the catered group will stay long enough to get their way, and then move to the next task at hand, leaving you high and dry with nobody.  It kind of reminds me of the way that Satan works.

I wish you all the best of luck and would hope that you come to your senses and allow me to be part of your programming in the future.  I assure you it will not happen until there is an apology for your reaction to Mr. Robertson and the entire Duck Dynasty company, and an apology to the entire Christian community. 

I wish you all a Very Merry CHRISTmas and Happy New Year.

Alec Mayer, disappointed and no longer fan