Monday, December 11, 2017

Rest Assured

Week two of Advent is upon us.  Last week we talked about preparing.  How have you prepared for the birth of our Savior?  Did you do something outside your normal routine?  The readings for this weekend’s Mass still talked about preparing ourselves for the coming of Christ.  Mark 1:3 stated, “Prepare a way for the Lord, make straight His path.”  There is still a need to prepare for the way of the Lord, but something that came to my mind in the first reading was of interest to me.
The first reading, from Isaiah 40:11 says, “He is like a shepherd feeding His flock, gathering the lambs in His arms.”  While we are still in the preparation mode, I found this verse to kind of stand out.  While the shepherd prepares the flock, I chose to read this in a different context.  I felt that Isaiah is saying to us, as we prepare, not to worry, for God will take care of us. 
Can you count the number of decisions you make on a daily basis, from what to wear, what to cook for dinner, plus all the decisions we have to make in your work life?  Wouldn’t it be nice to have an assurance that every decision we make would be the correct decision?  Unfortunately, every decision we make, cannot be the correct decision, and we will not know if our decision is correct, until the consequences of each decision has played out. 

Good News!!! I feel that Isaiah is giving us the assurance that if we prepare the way for the Lord, He will be there to gather His flock, tend to them, make sure they are safe and sound.  Making the decision to prepare for the birth of our savior, now comes with the assurance that He will tend to us, making sure we are fed and safe.  So as we keep preparing for the birth of our Savior, know that it comes with the assurance that if we believe, inviting Him into our lives, we can be assured He will tend to us, like the shepherd tending to the smallest lamb. 

There are not a lot of assurances in this world.  Prepare for His birth with decisiveness and understanding and be assured, He will take care of us.

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