Friday, December 8, 2017

Let's Start by Preparing

It seems to me that more and more, the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season grows exponentially.  I am guessing it seems that way because as children we have nothing to do but wait for the day we get to open our Christmas gifts.  As we get older our responsibilities become more.  Now we have to not only buy presents, but we have to clean and decorate the house, possibly prepare a meal for family and friends, some might have to pick up family and friends at the airport, etc.  Each year it appears that the Twelve Days of Christmas are quickly becoming the Twelve Pains of Christmas.  Good news though, we have Advent, a time to prepare, a time to wait..
The four weeks before Christmas(Advent), have so much symbolism from the materials the wreath are made of, to the color of the candles, but the most important thing to remember is Advent is the time set aside to help us prepare our hearts for the birth of our Lord and Savior.   Lighting a candle per week symbolizes time to pray.  Purple candles, purple vestments, remind us that we need to repent and prepare our hearts.  Do you see a common theme?  Repent and prepare.
In this week’s gospel from Mark, we are even reminded to “Be watchful!  Be Alert! For we do not know when the time will come.”  In all the hustle and bustle of the Christmas Season, the last thing we want to do is not be prepared for the master of the house.
As the craziness of the season continues, which we all know it will be there whether or not we are prepared to face it, it is important to take some time to prepare spiritually.  During the forty days of Lent(another time for purple) we are asked to fast or sacrifice something for the season.  Let’s take this Advent season as a time to prepare.  Let’s spend the next 20 or so days doing something to prepare ourselves spiritually for the birth of Christ, get up an extra 10 minutes early and start the day off by reading scripture, say a decade of the rosary with the kids in the car on the way to school, actually have an advent wreath in your home and spend a couple of minutes in the morning or evening, as a family, lighting each candle and praying together. 
Is all the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season ever going to end?  Unfortunately, the answer is probably not.  Would you enjoy the season more if it were less chaotic?  Yes!!!  Do you think maybe, just maybe, if you invited Jesus to join you this season, by preparing for the birth of our Savior, it would help decrease the hustle and bustle?  Absolutely!!!!  Prepare for Him, invite Him.

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