Monday, December 17, 2018

My apologies for the delay in publishing my weekly note, last week, about Advent week two. 

The reason for Advent is the preparing for the coming of Jesus, our Savior.  The first week of Advent we talked about Hope, hoping for the coming of our Savior.  Week two of Advent we focus on Peace.  The calmness of peace, the smooth flow of peace, the understanding of peace is something, I believe, we all strive for.  When we are at peace, everything seems to fall right into place.  Peace, freedom from disturbance, quiet, tranquil, doesn’t that sound terrific?

Everyone can think of a person that always seems to be at peace.  They are quiet, tranquil, they do not let things get to them.  They never seem to let things bother them.  I often see peace in the elderly and children.  Both seem to just go with the flow, and they do not let things bother them.  I wonder, how do they get their?  It is certainly not “life experiences” for children do not have a lot of life experience yet.  It is not because they are young, for that takes the elderly out.  So what can we do to achieve peace?

I heard a video blog, not to long ago, and the topic was the Advent season.  In this blog it talked about not just meeting Jesus, but getting to know Him.  It ended with the question, “How do we encounter Jesus?”  This got me to thinking.  Where have I seen Jesus this week?  Did I see Him and walk right past?  Did I miss the opportunity to see Him, because I was not at peace? 

Thinking back over the last week or so, I know that Jesus was in our midst.  Jesus was with us as we took our students on field trips.  The 8th grade took their Kindergarten buddies to the North Pole at Sullivans.  Seeing the older students spending time with their Kindergarten buddies, getting to know them, helping them with crafts, caring for them as they rode the train back and forth from the North Pole, were just a few examples of our 8th graders helping our Kindergarteners, making the trip peaceful for the young children.  The 5th graders spent some time caroling at the senior centers and nursing homes, bringing the joy of the Christmas season to those who might not be able to get out and experience it themselves.  They were serving others with a servant’s heart, bringing the joy and peace to others. 

How do you encounter Jesus, in your daily life?  Do you see Him?  Do you not recognize Him, when he walks by?  Do you serve Him by bringing Joy and Peace to others?  This second week of Advent, look for ways to bring joy and peace to others.  Welcome Jesus into all that you do and you might just be surprised how a stressful task can become peaceful. 

Have a peaceful week two of Advent.

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