Monday, February 19, 2018

I Am Always Looking For A Bargain

Week one of Lent is underway.  We have spent some time thinking about giving up something for Lent, or doing something extra for Lent, like helping the poor, adding prayers, saying a daily Rosary, etc.  Now that we are under way with our "resolution," so to speak, I wanted to bring up the idea of bargaining.  

I love to bargain over things.  I look at bargaining as a way to find win/win solutions to all types of situations.  My children are becoming very good at bargaining with me, especially when it comes to doing something they do not like.  For example, my daughter will all of the sudden remember her homework or a test she needs to study for, when I ask her to clean her room.  My son will immediately tell me he is in the middle of something and needs a few more minutes before emptying the dishwasher, in hopes that I will forget that I asked him to do this family chore.  I am not sure, but I am getting the feeling that bargaining is not necessarily a skill obtained over time, as much as it might be human nature. 

I bring up bargaining, because, as I stated, I love to do it.  I really like the idea of finding win/win solutions.  That being said, have you ever found yourself bargaining with God?  Have you ever said something like, "God if I get (fill in the blank), I will attend Sunday Mass more frequently?"  Or how about "God, if I get (fill in the blank), I will spend more time helping the poor."  I have to say, I have said that more times than I care to admit.  I can especially hear myself saying things like this during times of struggle, such as sickness of a family member, or the craving for a steak dinner, Fridays, during Lent. 
While our human nature might be to bargain with God, how do we change that mindset?  We need to remember that God has a plan for all of us.  He will give us what we need, and the strength and courage to handle anything.  One of my most recent favorite quotes is "If God is all you have, you have all you need."(John14:8)  God does not need to bargain with us.  If we trust in Him, no matter how hard the task is at hand, God will get us through it.  If we have the conversation with Him, God will give us the strength, courage, and understanding to overcome.  If we trust His plan, we will have no problem getting over the hump.  Unfortunately, God's plan doesn't always jive with our plan, and that is where the bargaining begins.   Trust in Him, the Lenten season.  Take some time out of the busyness of the day and listen for His guidance and understanding.  If you have complete and total trust in Him and His plan, you will then realize bargaining is not necessary.

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