Monday, March 20, 2017

Lighten the Load

Two weeks ago was the school presentation of the Living Stations of the Cross.  The 7th and 8th grade students did such a wonderful job representing each station and really bringing home the season of Lent.  During both presentations, I could not help but think of the crosses we bear.

If you haven’t figured it out by now, we all have crosses to bear.  Some crosses are very public and are shared all over the news, and other crosses are very personal and private.  As I think about my own crosses, and yes we all have more than one, I often have to wonder why I have the cross that I have.  I am sure that makes no sense, so I will do my best to explain…

There are two types of crosses, the ones we create ourselves, and the ones given to us by God.  Yes, God does give us a cross to carry, just like He did his Son.  Do you overschedule your time?  Do you wonder when your family is ever going to sit down and have dinner as a family?  Are we constantly on the go and do not know how to relax and just let the world turn?  Is the burden of taking children from one practice to another, and picking the other, getting to be too much?  These are just a few examples of the crosses we created for ourselves.

What about the crosses God has given us?  Could it be taking care of an aging loved one?  Or dealing with the death of a friend or family member?  Again, God does give us crosses.

So now that you have thought about your crosses, my question is what are you going to do about them?  What are you going to do to remove the cross, or at the least lighten its load?  During this time of Lent, we all have made our Lenten promises.  We have made an attempt to lighten the cross that we are carrying.  How is that going?  Have you looked at your Facebook account, or given in to that tempting piece of chocolate?

The season of Lent is often considered a time of sadness, for the Lord God is about to sacrifice His only Son.  However, let’s look at the positive light that God shines on this season.  God gave his only Son for the sins of all.  While the death of Jesus is a seriously sad thing, look at what happened because of this selfless act.  I challenge you to remember this when you want to complain about the cross you are caring.  Picture in your mind Jesus carrying the cross or falling, or seeing his mother, then remember Jesus is our friend and someone we can count on, when our cross gets too heavy.  We can count on Him, when we turn to Him and ask his help.

So, as we finish this third Sunday in Lent, and your cross is getting heavy, the temptations are getting harder and harder to push away, take some time and spend it with God.  Go to that quiet place, sit in silence, invite Him into your thoughts and prayers.  Ask Him for the strength and courage to continue to carry the cross He has given you.  God is there and ready to have that conversation and help you. 

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