Friday, March 11, 2016

We Have it All Wrong

The following is from my St. Pius X Catholic School principal's weekly note sent to parents.

I wonder if we, and by we, I mean the society we are living in, have it wrong.  A couple of weeks ago, St. Pius X Catholic School had their Everybody Counts program.  This program celebrates the differences in everyone, regardless of abilities, looks, skills, or talents. 

The day’s events consisted of many guest speakers.  We had a father talk about his son’s battle with childhood Leukemia and a father shared his story as he battles a brain tumor.  Some of our students got to experience what it is like to be blind or hearing impaired, while others got to experience what it is like to be in a wheelchair.  Other classes got to participate in programs with adults who have a low cognitive ability.  All in all, it was a terrific day and I am so humbled by the way this program shows each person’s individuality and diversity.

I am a little upset with myself that I have fallen into the traps of society.  I feel that our society is trying harder and harder to “level the playing field.”  We want everyone to have the same exact opportunities and we try so hard to make children’s life experiences exactly the same, regardless of their talents or abilities.  If we were all the same, then I would be a pro golfing, football throwing, slam dunking, presidential candidate, all while owing my own restaurant, eating fabulous meals, while teaching at Harvard, not to mention being the greatest father, husband, etc….  Is it just me, or does this sound crazy?

Through the Everybody Counts program, my eyes were opened.  Everybody was put on this Earth with a purpose, a plan from God, and I knew this, but after falling into society’s trap, it took this wonderful celebration to remind me of how we are all a truly unique gift from God.  If I were to be an NBA star, God would have given me the talent to play the sport at such a high level.  If I were to be an engineer, God would have given me the ability to understand largely complicated math equations. 

I think we all have the dream scenario of what our world should be.  My dream scenario would be to not have to celebrate the differences of everyone, because everyone would understand that God’s plan for them is unique.  The scenario would be that everyone understands we are all different and we are accepted because of our differences, not our likenesses.  We would not take for granted the unique ability God has given us, or spend our time trying to be someone or something we are not supposed to be.

Do you know what makes you unique?  Do you know your God given talent?  If you do not know the answer to these questions, spend some time in prayer, asking God for guidance.  Be prepared to put aside your version, and listen for what God has planned for you.  If you do know what makes you unique, then spend some time praying and thanking God for the many graces that come from your purpose.  God has made us unique in some way, shape, or form, and for this reason, Everybody Counts.


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