Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Perception Vs. Reality

Is it just me, or are we slowing becoming a world in a huge identity crisis?  In the last two months, Bruce Jenner has decided to become Caitlyn Jenner, and received the Arthur Ashe award for courage(there is an entire different conversation about that).  Then there is Rachel Dolezal, a white woman, who has portrayed an African American woman, and become the head of the NAACP of Spokane.

Both of these people have decided they do not want to live the life they were born with and want to portray someone else, one of a different gender, the other of a different race.  I will admit, this is something that I just do not understand.  Maybe I am an old curmudgeon, but there are a few things in life that we are not given choices on.  I could not choose my parents, although if I could, I would definitely choose the ones God gave me.  I could not choose my race and gender, both of which are genetically a predisposition of my parents.

I love my job, as a Catholic School Principal, but don't get me wrong, if I could make millions of dollars as a professional golfer, I would do it in the blink of an eye.  My favorite hobby is definitely playing golf.  While I am a decent golfer(8 handicap), I really do not think I will ever have the skills to play golf on the PGA Tour. It is a skill set that I do not have, nor do I have the time or the ability to make it a profession.  So instead, I get to do what I believe God wants me to do and that is education.  While I could definitely identify with a pro golfer, it is not what I was put on this Earth to do.

I recently saw a video from Fr. Mike Schmidt, from Accension Presents.  This video does a beautiful job describing some of the identity crisis that are so played up in the media.  Below is the link, and I highly recommend you watch it.  The video last about 8 minutes.


Fr. Mike does a great job explaining how his nephew identified as a puppy, while playing, but how his parents got the young boy back on track when it came time to eat.  He also does a great job explaining the gender stereotypes we put on human beings from birth.  If you are a girl, you are supposed to like pink, wear dresses, be stay at home moms, and if you are a boy, you are supposed to like blue, play sports, and be the main breadwinners of the household.  These are just a few of the stereotypes and we all know this list is endless.  He then goes on to explain how his sister, a doctor, is the main breadwinner in the household, and her husband is a stay at home dad.  Both assuming a role of the other gender, because of the stereotypes society associates with gender.

I think the most important thing Fr. Mike states is perception vs. reality. As an educator, and dealing with children, I fight the perception vs. reality all the time.  Children go home and tell their parents that they got a detention for no reason at all.  When in reality, the student's behavior warranted a detention.  Children do not often see reality, for perception is a better picture for them. 

I truly wonder if Bruce Jenner or Rachel Dolezal were so truly unhappy with their reality, and that by following their perception of the other gender or race, they will become truly happy?  I have the best wife, and the best children a man could ask for.  I have a great job, that I truly believe God has given me the talents to do.  While I would love to play golf all day long, and win tournaments worth millions of dollars, that is not my reality.  So instead of living the life of greatness, as I perceive a pro golfer to live, I live the life of greatness based on the reality of my life, using the talents that God has given me, and it is better than greatness.  I hope to never change my reality, based on something I perceive to be better.  Fr. Mike said it best, "A man cannot truly know what a woman feels, and vice versa."  While my perception is that pro golfers are experiencing a great life, playing golf, winning lots of money, I cannot truly know their personal feelings, so how can a man truly identify with a woman, and on and on and on...

I pray for those that are fighting perceptions the world has put on them.  I hope others that are struggling with perception issues get the help they need, or have someone that can help them get through their struggles. 

Today's prayer:  Heavenly Father, I pray for those that struggle with the perceptions of the modern world, and ask you to give them the understanding of their reality, and give them the wisdom of the choice you have made for them.  I pray that You help them understand the path You have laid for them and guide those who struggle with Your plan.  Amen.   

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