Sunday, January 27, 2013

Going to rethink this...


I want to thank you for the support over the last 20 blog post.  I really appreciate those that take time to read what I have to say.  I must say that I am a little surprised at the number of people that have logged into my blog for whatever reason.  I have said it before, and I will say it again, I never thought I had anything worthy of a blog, but you all have proven me wrong.

I have come to the conclusion that I need to take a hiatus from blogging.  I am taking this time off for two reasons.  The first reason being I have not been able to keep my goal of blogging once per week.  I have many ideas in my head, that I would like to share, but to be a good father, husband, principal, etc., I feel that I cannot give this endeavour the appropriate amount of time, I wish I could. 

Another reason I have decided to rethink this blog, is what I am actually blogging about.  I have been asked, by the higher ups, to remove a blog for certain reasons.  It was stated that I should keep any type of blog to my area of expertise, as not to polarize folks.   

Let me be perfectly clear, I am not mad about this.  I am not going to complain and say this is a violation of my first amendment rights.  I am not going to get into the idea of you against me, as these thing can often turn into, because I believe that when someone in a position of authority and I respect, ask me to do something I will, whether I agree or disagree.  Just to state it very clearly, I agree with removing the post.  

When asked to remove the post in question, which I did immediately, I read the post again and I must say, I was not very proud of myself.  In this post, I made an assumption.  When I hear a news story, I often take the information given with a grain of salt.  Based on my own experiences, I know the press can take liberties to spin a story and make it news worthy.  I never want to do that with this blog, and I feel, after reading the blog in question, that I was indeed doing the same thing, making assumptions.  It is for this, that I am not proud of myself and it is time for me to rethink.  The authority was completely correct, and I thank them for bringing this to my attention.

It is time.  Time for me to rethink this idea of being the blogging principal.  It is time for me to get a better handle on the task I have created and decide if I can do this with the proper perspective.  Can I continue to blog on things that I know, with the Christian perspective?  I have plenty to pray about, and contemplate, before I pick up the blogging again. 

I am humble that I have over 2100 hits, on this site.  I certainly hope you all understand the decision I have made.  I will spend some time in prayer and thought, and if the good Lord puts this on my heart, you can bet I will start again.  I know what it is like to ignore His calling for me, and quite frankly, I do not want to be in that spot again.

I will keep you all in my prayers, and I ask that you do the same for me.  Until we meet again....


Alec Mayer

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